Friday, January 20, 2023

new book: inflamed

Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Die Geissel", im Original heisst es "The Lathe", "Die Drehbank" ?

The next one is also lying around for some time:

Page 4

Everything we've made, we've made from fossil fuels: ... The world has been organized to burn.



Thursday, December 22, 2022

opponierbar / opposable

 Ursula K. LeGuin - Die Gebrauchsanweisung / The Operating Instructions

Ich halte die Vorstellungskraft für das mit Abstand nützlichste Werkzeug ... Sie schlät sogar den opponierbaren Daumen.


I think the imagination is the single most useful tool mankind possesses. It beats the opposable thumb.


Sich etwas vorstellen ist Opposition zur Realität.

Imagining is opposing reality. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

New Standards - 101 Lead Sheets


 got the book, try a restart

but when is something a standard ... and why should one care.

the new thing to me is mostly terri lyne carrington, not brand new since mosaic project and money jungle but great.  

standards ease interaction, communication, but then I am interested in the difference not the sameness, or in Ursula K. LeGuin's words

Our difference is our beauty

-- Winter's King  

one tune is a standard already 

 as always no hard plan ... play on the go 

dec 22, 2022 

still no grip on the book ... maybe because setting new standards requires opening the standards ... and the closing onto the new one, which is ... 

jan 2, 2023 - plan - planting - plan thing

  • i did mostly realbooking, playing the 5th edition. i see the leadsheets as the playing field, setting the rules for the next game, connecting the players.
  • the new real books, with the perfected typography is less readable ... maybe i am not used to
  • the "New Standards" has even lighter type setting ... and the new tunes have longer forms.

needs working then

jul 31, 2024

passed the book to a friend ...
bought another one ... guess what is with another friend now
found a third friend who has his own already
bought me the online version

still not getting bac into music

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 Watching "Fighter Of The Destiny" the main character tells his love, not knowing she is it :

Sometimes it is not a wrong choice, it's only that we didn't know there are better choices.

Hmm ... maybe ...

maybe it is the fear of having to decide and bear the outcome...s

Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Blues



the last bar is ... open for discussion, but then again  the piece is open for play.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

creativity and art

cleaning up I found this old note, taking it as an excuse to take a break.

Marina Abramovic the more f***ed up childhood you got the better artist you get and a little before this "no one art was made of happiness".

This kind of art is a plea for being seen, it is not your creation but the creation of what you think brings the most applause. This should not be understood as belitteling the artifacts or the artisan ... by me, Mrs. Abramovic might be understood different. This is more descriptive of a societies state of affairs, judged by what gets recognized. ...

Monday, March 16, 2020

on jam sessions

could it be ...

that jam sessions in the proximity of an educational institute are frequented by students of the same course. Being told by there teacher to try tunes in the public. Juniors do not dare and seniors stop playing for free ...

therefore the tunes stay the same till the teacher retires.

... feals horrible, doesn't it

new book: inflamed

Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Di...