Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Probe by heart - language view

In der Musikschule und angelehnten Workshops, höre ich immer die Forderung an Sänger, das Stück auswendig zu lernen.
Ein Argument heute war, weil es jedesmal besser wird, und sie dann nicht mit Noten- und Textlesen beschäftigt sind.
Das stimmt, Wiederholung führt üblicherweise/hoffentlich zu Verbesserung. Aber das Ablehnen von Arbeitshilfen macht eine komplexe Aufgabe nicht einfacher.

English is better here, in contrast to rehearsel/Probe where german is more mine.
This is correct, repetition usually/hopefully leads to improvement. But rejecting work aids, does not make a complex task easier.

Learn by heart instead of auswendig.
Learn by heart feels more like inwendig.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

quirks - ancient redo

the music based on coletrane's changes but in different keys F A Db instead of G B Eb.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Whiplash movie

The music is ... nice, a little antique ... but anything else is wrong as can be.
I assume the genre is splatterless horror movie. Otherwise the members of the jury and sundance festival definately need guidance, much much guidance, no pity, but a lot of compassion.

another way to interpret:

the teacher is the image of the worst side of ...
looking for something he wants "charlie parker" here.
most of the time this is what he would like to be, but failed to achieve.
thereby missing out what he got, for example any "ornette coleman" would get unnoticed, most likely would die.

new book: inflamed

Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Di...