Saturday, November 27, 2010

wilde of no importance

Music makes one feel so romantic -
at least it always gets on one's nerves.

It's the same thing, nowadays.

-- oscar wilde "A Woman of No Importance"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

tune: bluesical chairs

take a 12 bar blues on every round play drop one bar.

variation a

take a blues with a clear turn around drop front bars, footprints worked good

Cmi % % % Fmi % Cmi % F#7/F7 E7/A7 Cmi %

interesting configurations are the 10 bar start


the 9 bar one too because "C F F C" is a standard short form.

variation b

start dropping from the end, till every ends in C-heaven, sing out loud, break .

C % % % F % C % G F C F/G
C % % % F % C % G F C
C % % % F % C % G F
C % % % F % C % G
C % % % F % C %
C % % % F % C
C % % % F %
C % % % F
C % % % sing:"chair man a chair ..."

new book: inflamed

Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Di...