NOUN a rehearsal | rehearsals
SYNO dry run
dry run, is this like dry swim ?
obviously because running under water is hard.
but does it also mean no sweating ?
consider a hearse, what does rehearse mean, dig out for reburial ?
NOUN a rehearsal | rehearsals
SYNO dry run
dry run, is this like dry swim ?
obviously because running under water is hard.
but does it also mean no sweating ?
consider a hearse, what does rehearse mean, dig out for reburial ?
i would volunteer to go first, take a bass solo, not too long, then leave the stage, another bass player lays his lines, leaves, the next one , and so on and so forth, till ...but there were glasses of beer to be emptied, another void to be created, mirroring the one on the stage.
Die Musik die ich machen will, erfordert ein bestimmtes Level von Vertrauen und Empathie.
Dieser Moment, wo du verletzlich wirst und die Musik sich anfühlt, als könnte sie in jedem Moment explodieren. Du könntest natürlich scheitern, aber wenn man sich erst einmal an das Scheitern gewöhnt hat, ist es gar nicht mehr so schlimm. Dann ist dieser Moment genau das, was du willst.eine analyse, was iyer will:
The music I want to make, requires a certain level of trust (or confidence) and empathy.
This moment, when you are vulnerable and the music feels like exploding any time. Obviously one could fail, but once you got accustomed to failure, it no longer is so bad. This moment then is the one you want (desire).
The real world isn't a place, it's an excuse. It's a justification for not trying. It has nothing to do with you.
Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Di...