Monday, December 8, 2014

rolling jam

At a session/open stage:

Someone starts, without stopping, other enter, some leave.

No discussions, everyone can enter, everyone should leave after some time.
On entrance one nicht bring up a thing/theme.

Variation 1: kicking jam, every enter is accompanied by a leave. Means the number of people on stage has a limit.

Variation 2: put a limit on peoples stage time, e.g. a change after 3 minutes.

rehearse !

I participate in rehearsels, regulary, weekly, but I do not organize one myself.

I call it expanding and practicing my repertoire  of answers, questions and reactions for musical environments.

This seams to fit most activities to me, when they are done proper.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


loopings - tc electronics ditto and me
NOTE: media playback might not work, therefore the download links.

Friday, January 31, 2014

how to use a realbook

first and foremost: use it the way you want !

second: use it when you need it.
  for example i do not play in a regular band, but regularly in sessions.
  sometimes i do not know the name of musicians i play with, very very cool in my opinion.
  to have a common set of tunes for sessions is simply stupid.

third: "have fun"

  • practice at a session: take any tune, start with the first bar, do it, play with it, advance to the second, again play, end when the whole tune was played (or sometime else).
  • useing a realbook does not mean playing the 30+ tunes everyone does. reading a book means reading every page, not every 10th or so.
  • playing music without listening to the original, is a lot of fun, and the most might be if you listen to the "original" afterwards. trying to find your way by always referring to others is ... 
all the best

new book: inflamed

Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Di...