Thursday, February 14, 2019

JazzBaragge jam

After tuesday jam in Bern I stopped by at the Moods in Zurich for JazzBaragge jam session. And ...
playing was nice and talks were better ... sorrily wednesdays aren't possible for me in the near future ...
so till then.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


elbows are not for fighting position in a queue
but to embracing


Children, perhaps, may not need firm borders or structures to grow by and no pushes in whatever direction but flexible nets and cushions in case they fall. Actually whose no child then.

jenseits von begabt und unbegabt

Heinrich Jacoby, jenseits von begabt und unbegabt, S33

Aha! Freedom, curiosity and play

Aha! Freedom, curiosity and play :-)
In music, work and life ... leaves the problem of courage

* the courage to use the freedom you have
* courage to try out, live your curiosity
that is when you play
:-) I love it :-)

the most flexible AND complex part ... !

Making something good

Making anything well involves a commitment to the work. And that requires courage: you have to trust yourself.

Ursula Le Guin in "Navigating the Ocean of Story"  in Question 1 "How do you make something good?" 

jul 31, 2024

in the newer edition "steering the craft - a 21st-century guide to sailing the sea of story" in the introduction in page xiii 

To make something well is to give yourself to it, to ssek wholeness, to follow spirit.

 puts up the question why should one want to make something not well ... and while we are at it, why are so many doing this.

Planetary Citizenship

Paying taxes to planetary organisations. UN comes to mind first, but how to do.

Think again pay your dept to planetary organizations: Medecins Sans Frontieres, greenpeace, Anmesty International, and so forth ...

That's it ... for a start.

google+ shutdown

google is shutting down plus, somit verwende ich eben blogger als exocortex

new book: inflamed

Fertig mit "Die Geissel des Himmels" , zum Anfangen habe ich lange gebraucht, danach war es einfach. ... warum heisst das "Di...